Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian - Organic EO

Santalum paniculatum Hook. & Arn.


Our Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Santalum paniculatum, locally known as `Ili`ahi,is indigenous to Hawaii and is harvested from a family-owned plantation committed to organic cultivation and reforestation. The extremely rich, woody, sweet, and full-bodied calming aroma has amazing longevity


Selected size SKU:909-015 - Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian - Organic 15 ml (1/2 oz)

1 ml (1/30 oz)
2 ml (1/15 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Santalum paniculatum, locally known as `Ili`ahi, is indigenous to Hawaii and is harvested from a family-owned plantation committed to organic cultivation and reforestation. The extremely rich, woody, sweet, and full-bodied calming aroma has amazing longevity when applied to the skin – a truly fine Sandalwood oil.

Hawaiian Sandalwood, as with all Sandalwoods, is a hemi-parasitic tree/shrub that peacefully co-exists through a complex root system with a select group of host plants.[1]

The Sandalwood essential oil most recognized is distilled from Santalum album in the Mysore region of India. It is an alarming fact that Mysore Sandalwood has endured severe population decline and genetic impoverishment (i.e., become nearly extinct) due to decades of over-harvesting, mismanagement of forests and illegal poaching – all driven by lucrative global demand. This is good news and bad news. The bad news is that high value plus harvesting restrictions are powerful incentives for the development of synthetics and the routine adulteration of genuine Sandalwood oils.[2] The good news is that this near tragedy created a new industry in other regions for cultivating various species of Sandalwood (including S. paniculatum) using more sustainable practices – a successful strategy for redirecting market pressure away from this precious botanical. Sandalwood, an exquisitely fragrant and praiseworthy tree, like the majestic elephant, has been nearly loved to death. May your usage of Sandalwood be mindful, and may you be present in the magnificence of every application.

Eden Botanicals sources a wide variety of sustainably harvested Santalum species from reputable suppliers in different geographical regions that we are sure will enchant and delight even the most discriminating Sandalwood lovers and natural perfumers. Sandalwood oil is beneficial in targeted skincare preparations and facial serums to improve the appearance of aging, dry, or congested skin. The sensual and divine aroma inspires an ambiance of peaceful contemplation and lends elevating and centering properties to meditation and incense blends. 

1 Industry Communication.

2 Turin, Luca. The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell, 2006, p. 77.

Blends Well With


21 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Warm, Cheerful - 5 Star!


LOT 14: This sandalwood is warm, extremely smooth, and definite floral. The floral and smoothness of this sandalwood gives off a tropical vibe. Applied to the skin, it smells like I just got out of a warm shower. Clean feel to it. This is my 3rd lot of Royal Hawaiian and the best so far, I'd say. Happy with buy and service. Thanks EB!

Review by Jerry 7/1/2023

Now I see how Hawai'i once earned the nickname "Sandalwood Mountains"


Irresistibly warm, with notes reminiscent of sipping on a cup of creamy milk oolong while sitting in a deep, primordial tropical rainforest. I may not be from da Big Island myself, but I had a good friend gift me with some precious ʻiliahialoʻe lumber from a tree that went down on his property during a storm here on this island; this oil is seriously the closest thing I’ve ever encountered to that unmistakably smooth native sandalwood scent. Mahalo nui loa

Review by Andy 4/11/2023

Heavy on wood and smoke


I'm just sharing this review as an alternate opinion to many of the ones here that had gotten my hopes up. Really, really wish I didn't have to! If you (like so many) find the scent of Mysore sandalwood simply intoxicating, you may be disappointed with this as an alternative, as I was. I find the Indian version to be extremely nuanced, including sweeter notes and an overall warmth that just...makes me stop in my tracks. I tried Australian sandalwood from a few different companies and was always left frustrated. This is my first time trying Hawaiian, and again, was left wanting much more. The quality of the oil is great--very strong fragrance and good staying power--however, the scent as compared to Mysore sandalwood is much, much heavier on the woody and smoky notes. Much less complex.

Review by Matt 12/15/2019

Beautiful, but polarizing


I am a Sandalwood fanatic. It's by far my favorite scent. The market is currently flooded with subpar examples of the holy wood, so I stick to Eden Botanicals. Truly they always deliver top notch products. This Royal Hawaiian sandalwood is strong, it has floral undertones, it's potent. Just one drop is enough to overpower some people, but I absolutely love it. My wife, on the other hand, thinks it's too strong- she prefers New Caledonia. If you absolutely love Sandalwood, this is the way to go. The trees that they harvest are old, native trees on the big island so it has that true Sandalwood scent. If you like Sandalwood but aren't a connoisseur, go with premium Australian or New Caledonia. You will save some money and most likely be just as satisfied.

Review by Dylan 11/17/2019

It earns the "Royal" title


I've bought Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood from other places in the past, but this one has the best scent out of ALL of them. I like the soft woody & creamy scent this has & I like using this in place of Indian Sandalwood for Rose Attar.

Review by Ally 12/23/2018

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Fixatives and Their Function in Natural Perfumery

At Eden Botanicals, we receive many inquiries about fixatives, so we decided to dedicate an article on the topic.




If you consider that true essential oils from plants - hydrated and nourished by sun, water and soil, tended and distilled with human hands -- represent the “life force”, or prana, of plants,