Sandalwood, Australian – Organic EO

Santalum spicatum


Our organic Sandalwood, Australian has a deep, soft, sweet-woody aroma with excellent tenacity and a sweet, smooth dry down. It has a little lighter character than a typical Sandalwood essential oil and displays deeper, woodier undertones than our New Caledonian Sandalwood oils.


Selected size SKU:901-015 - Sandalwood, Australian - Organic 15 ml (1/2 oz)

1 ml (1/30 oz)
2 ml (1/15 oz)
Out of stock
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
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59.14 ml (2 oz)
Out of stock
118.29 ml (4 oz)
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236.58 ml (8 oz)
Out of stock
473.17 ml (16 oz)
Out of stock
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Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our organic Sandalwood, Australian has a deep, soft, sweet-woody aroma with excellent tenacity and a sweet, smooth dry down. It has a little lighter character than a typical Sandalwood essential oil and displays deeper, woodier undertones than our New Caledonian Sandalwood oils. Sandalwood is world-renowned for its spiritual and sensual qualities and incomparable, calming fragrance. Formulators will enjoy the versatility of an organic Sandalwood option for body care, skin care, and natural perfumes.

This Sandalwood Santalum spicatum species is organically grown and sustainably managed by the Western Australian government through annual harvest quotas and extensive regeneration efforts.

The Sandalwood essential oil most recognized is distilled from Santalum album in the Mysore region of India. Mysore Sandalwood has become nearly extinct due to decades of over-harvesting, mismanagement of forests and illegal poaching  all driven by global demand. This has created a new industry in other regions for cultivating various species of Sandalwood (including S. album and S. spicatum) using more sustainable practices  a successful strategy for redirecting market pressure away from this precious botanical.

Eden Botanicals sources a wide variety of sustainably harvested Santalum species from reputable suppliers in different geographical regions that we are sure will enchant and delight even the most discriminating Sandalwood lovers and natural perfumers. Sandalwood oil is beneficial in targeted skincare preparations and facial serums to improve the appearance of aging, dry, or congested skin. The divine aroma inspires an ambiance of peaceful contemplation and lends elevating and centering properties to meditation and incense blends.

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