Product Overview
Our Bulgarian Rose Absolute has a sweet, deep, mellow, antique Rose aroma with a faint indole, spice and honeyed undertone and a fresh green note that comes forth in the drydown. Bulgarian Rose absolutes, with their wonderfully hypnotic fragrance, are among the most sought after for use in perfumery. In Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, Arctander notes that “Bulgarian Rose Absolute is used so extensively in high-class perfumes that it is hardly possible to define its field of application.”[1]
Used throughout history for their exquisite scent and visual beauty, Roses of every color and size are esteemed for being metaphorical “heart openers.” With their multi-petaled intricacy, it is no surprise that Rose essential oils and absolutes are among those that have the most chemical complexity. And while many of the more than 400 chemical constituents[2] of Rosa damascena are present in mere trace amounts, they contribute immensely to the sublime and nuanced fragrance we know as Rose. It takes about 650 kilos of fresh Rose petals to make 1 kilo of Bulgarian Rose Absolute.[3]
Our Bulgarian Rose Absolute is very concentrated - please dilute this oil with Jojoba or other vegetal oil (or perfumer's alcohol) prior to using. Feel free to use it in your natural perfume blends, especially in combination with Jasmine, Sandalwood, and Ylang Ylang. Also try blending Rose Absolute with our Amber Essence Oil to make your own unique Amber Rose oil.
1 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 553.
2 Rhind, Jennifer Peace. Fragrance and Wellbeing, 2014, p. 303.
3 Naturals Compendium, International Flavor & Fragrances, 2009, p. 130.
4 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 553.
5 Tisserand, Robert and Rodney Young. Essential Oil Safety, 2nd ed., 2014, p. 405.