Lavender Absolute

Lavandula angustifolia Mill.


Our gorgeous Lavender Absolute from France is the ultimate Lavender for use in natural perfumery. It is smooth, suave and luscious and most closely resembles the fresh botanical material, with a coumarin-like sweetness that captures the spirit of those iconic mounds of purple Lavender populating the French


Selected size SKU:510-015 - Lavender Absolute 15 ml (1/2 oz)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
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Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our gorgeous Lavender Absolute from France is the ultimate Lavender for use in natural perfumery. It is smooth, suave and luscious and most closely resembles the fresh botanical material, with a coumarin-like sweetness that captures the spirit of those iconic mounds of purple Lavender populating the French countryside. This is a perfumery must-have and a unanimous favorite of Eden’s staff!

Lavender is the most popular and most often used essential oil, particularly here in the United States. It can be blended into many formulas and has been a part of fine fragrances for centuries. Lavender Absolute is a middle note that is sweeter but less floral than Lavender essential oil, however the two together can form a very pleasant combination; it can also be used as a modifier to help mask unpleasant aromas of oils that are used in perfumery formulas. It takes approximately 130 kilos of Lavender flowers to make 1 kilo of Lavender Absolute.[1]

Lavandula angustifolia is the true Lavender, as opposed to Spike Lavender (L. latifolia) or the hybrid Lavandins. It is produced throughout the world, although France is considered the premier growing region, and is the source of our best-selling Lavender essential oils: High Elevation, France - Organic, Maillette, and Wild.

1 Naturals Compendium, International Flavors and Fragrances, 2009, p. 82.

Blends Well With


19 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Coumarin and Lavender


To really understand how sweet and rich this lavender is, smell a lavender essential oil, and then smell this absolute right after. I don't know why this works, but your nose will skip over the clean, astringent parts of the lavender oil, and you will discern only the sweet coumarin in the absolute. Smelling it without this trick, it is still complex, more sweet than essential oil, and less camphorous. But once you discern the rich sweetness you will be blown away. I ordered this for perfumery purposes, and can't wait to pair it with tonka, vetiver and citrus. I'll be sampling the high elevation lavender essential oil next for therapeutic purposes. Thank you for carrying such an amazing product.

Review by April 10/22/2024

soooo smooth


This is like lavender heaven. My mom loves lavender and she thinks this is the best one. It is really smooth, it doesn't have the camphor effect of lavender oils and it has a hint of vanilla and coumarin that I really like. I made a perfume with peru balsam and a little bit of tonka and wow. it is like munching on vanilla ice cream in the middle of a lavender field

Review by blake 3/21/2024



I've come back for more, in a bigger bottle. Its not like other lavender I have had. It has this beautiful vanilla undertone that settles in your senses after the first lightly green whiff.

Review by Christy 3/11/2021



:D just two words for this: JUST PERFECT!

Review by Juan 10/3/2020



I am so impressed with this lavender absolute, even the gorgeous bright green color. At the opening it smells like lying in a field of lavender flowers--the closest I've ever smelled to the actual flower, with none of the medicinal burn that so many lavender oils have. I was repeatedly surprised by the unexpected notes that emerged during the drydown. As other reviewers have noted, it is coumarin-rich and develops a lovely soft, creamy tonka-like aroma late in the (very long!) drydown. It could harmonize well with a variety of floral, white floral, hay, tea, powder, or green scents, and I have a feeling that in a blend, this absolute could be one of those "secret ingredients" that people allllllmost recognize yet can't quite name.

Review by Alexandra 6/11/2020

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Take Time to Unwind

It can show up big or small, loud or silent, occasional or chronic, and we all seem to share it these days: STRESS.



Lavender Fields Forever

At the end of June, a few of us at Eden Botanicals had the great pleasure of traveling to France to visit our parent company, Biolandes, and to see various harvesting and distilling locations,



Dilution Solutions

Essential oils are potent and highly concentrated extracts derived from plants. As a frame of reference, a moderately high-producing plant like Lavender