Juniper Berry - Organic EO

Juniperus communis L.


Our organic Juniper Berry essential oil has a fresh, sweet-balsamic aroma with faint terpenic top notes, woody-green body notes, and pine-like undertones. It is smoother, richer, and sweeter than Juniper Leaf/Branch essential oil.


Selected size SKU:476-016 - Juniper Berry - Organic 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
with orifice reducer
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our organic Juniper Berry essential oil has a fresh, sweet-balsamic aroma with faint terpenic top notes, woody-green body notes, and pine-like undertones. It is smoother, richer, and sweeter than Juniper Leaf/Branch essential oil. While many Juniper oils are distilled from a mixture of needles, twigs, and berries, our organic Juniper Berry essential oil is made from only freshly harvested berries, offering a rich, wild freshness and lively character.

Juniper Berries are actually the small cones of this evergreen, shrub-like conifer tree that hails from the Cypress family. The aromatic properties of all parts of Juniper trees have been used traditionally for cleansing and incense by many cultures, from the ancient Romans and Medieval Europeans using in temples or strewn on floors,[1] to the Chinese and Native Americans burning in ceremony. 

Many inferior Juniper Berry oils are produced from the more economical and accessible fermented berries leftover from making gin, however, these offer a harsher pinene-like aroma with little or no balsamic sweetness. Our producer in Nepal knows that fresh Juniper Berries at the peak of ripeness produce an exquisite essential oil with the most desirable aroma and constituent profile. About 100 kilos of Juniper Berries harvested in September, October, and November yield 1 kilo of essential oil.[2] In addition, by collecting the leaves and twigs for distillation earlier in the year, then waiting to harvest the berries later when perfectly ripe, harvesters and their families benefit from the income of two harvests rather than one.

Juniper Berry has many benefits and uses. The uplifting and centering aroma is excellent when diffused before meditation or added to air-refreshing room sprays, cleansing baths, saunas, or chest rubs. In invigorating massage oils, it lends qualities of clean freshness and warmth.[3] Its astringent properties make it ideal in skincare preparations for oily, dull, or congested skin, after-shaves, deodorants, leg lotions, and foot baths. Natural perfumers make use of Juniper Berry to bring woody-sweet warmth and balsamic freshness to their creations, especially with Labdanum, Frankincense or Sandalwood.

1 Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 3rd ed., 2018, pp. 349-355.

2 Naturals Compendium, International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc., 2009, p. 77.

3 Ibid.

Blends Well With


2 Reviews


Customer Reviews

womp womp


smells like b.o.

Review by sky 12/8/2024

Not the best


I am currently formulating a line of all-natural spa and beauty products, and though I normally LOVE the quality items from Eden Botanicals, this Juniper Berry EO is quite lacking. I am used to a fresh, bright, terpenic scent that is refreshing and bright. This one has a bit of a petroleum waxy quality that suffocates the scent. I bought an ounce without sampling it, and I am now regretting it. This is probably my least favorite of all juniper berry oils I have ever had. A rare blunder by Eden Botanicals.

Review by Spahhcare 6/14/2019

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