Juniper Leaf / Branch EO

Juniperus communis L.


Our Juniper Leaf/Branch essential oil has a very fresh, lively, diffusive, balsamic and pine-like aroma with a defined, warm woody back note; its fine aroma is indicative of great care taken in the distillation process – it is completely devoid of harsh notes common to this oil. Specifically distilled without the inclusion of berries, the elevating and clarifying aroma of Juniper’s evergreen leaves shines through with unique clean freshness.


Selected size SKU:479-016 - Juniper Leaf / Branch 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our Juniper Leaf/Branch essential oil has a very fresh, lively, diffusive, balsamic and pine-like aroma with a defined, warm woody back note; its fine aroma is indicative of great care taken in the distillation process – it is completely devoid of harsh notes common to this oil. Specifically distilled without the inclusion of berries, the elevating and clarifying aroma of Juniper’s evergreen leaves shines through with unique clean freshness.

Juniper is an evergreen, shrub-like conifer tree that hails from the Cypress family. The aromatic properties of all parts of Juniper trees have been used traditionally for cleansing and incense by many cultures, from the ancient Romans and Medieval Europeans using in temples or strewn on floors,[1] to the Chinese and Native Americans burning in ceremony.

The uplifting and centering aroma of Juniper Leaf/Branch is excellent when diffused before meditation or added to air-refreshing room sprays, cleansing baths, saunas, or chest rubs. In invigorating massage oils, it lends qualities of clean freshness and warmth.[2] Its astringent properties make it ideal in skincare preparations for oily, dull, or congested skin, after-shaves, deodorants, leg lotions, and foot baths. Natural perfumers make use of the refreshing and somewhat masculine aroma to add warm, woody depth and coniferous freshness to their creations.


1 Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 3rd ed., 2018, pp. 349-355.

2 Price, Shirley and Len Price. Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, 4th ed., 2012, p. 100.

Blends Well With


4 Reviews


Customer Reviews

pine tar!


smells just like pine tar! I was expecting it to be more green, but i could definitely think this is a good scent for soap.

Review by blake 2/7/2024

Seems to amplify citrus!


I love this non-flowery middle (ok, top-to-middle) note. I made a homemade tincture of Etrog (Citron) and Budda's Hand. As intense as I could make it, but still mild. Adding some Juniper L/B seems to make the Etrog more Etrog-y (is that a thing?). On its own very refreshing. One of my new favorites, and very inexpensive!

Review by Talya 2/16/2021

a perfect note for the forest


Juniper leaf\branch is far less terpenic than the berry oil. It resembles cypress leaf ever so slightly in that warm, woody kind of way. When combined with other forest notes (pine, firs, cypresses, + moss) it really adds a layer of depth that would otherwise be missed, aka a spicy, peppery, juice top note. If juniper oil is too severe for you to work with, try this leaf\branch variety. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it plays with other eo's.

Review by J 7/13/2017

Love it very much


It's very pleasant. I find it generally more appealing than the oil from the berries tbh. Definitely a favorite.

Review by Cananga odorata 12/23/2016

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