Fir, Balsam EO

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.


Our exceptional Balsam Fir essential oil has a very sweet, rich, deep balsamic, evergreen aroma and a light, clean terpenic top note like that released from freshly crushed fir needles.


Selected size SKU:320-016 - Fir, Balsam 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our exceptional Balsam Fir essential oil has a very sweet, rich, deep balsamic, evergreen aroma and a light, clean terpenic top note like that released from freshly crushed fir needles.

In the eastern United States, Abies balsamea is the holiday season's tree of choice where, in days gone by, the sweet-smelling needles were sewed into sachets and sold to weary city folk![1] Bright and elevating, Balsam Fir essential oil is one that we highly recommend for use in diffusers to refresh the environment in enclosed spaces, especially in the winter months.

Coniferous trees such as Fir, Pine and Spruce, are truly the guardian trees of our planet‘s atmosphere, with their dense profusion of cleansing molecules constantly being released from the highest canopy to the outermost needles, and even in the underground world of the 'wood wide web'! In addition to the usual suspects (α- and ß-pinenes), chemical analysis of needle tree oils shows a broad variety of aromatic monoterpene molecules – a signature of fresh coniferous forest air – and accounts for why these trees are often referenced in the practice of Japanese 'forest bathing' or shinrin-yoku. This oil is a welcome ally to inhale after a day in the city or a long drive, as it enlivens the spirit with every breath.

1 Culross Peattie, Donald. A Natural History of Western Trees, 1950, p. 188.

Blends Well With


11 Reviews


Customer Reviews

update review


After having the balsam fir essential oil for a bit of time now it has opened up and produces a true balsam fir scent, although the volume of the smell is mild to medium it does have a 'dank' staying power that lingers. It smells like it's made from semi dried out needles as it lacks the sharpness and strength of the fresh needles. It blends well with Eden botanicals organic cedar atlas's eo, which smells unique and more masculine compared to other brands of atlas cedar. The cedar smell disappears in the blend and gives the balsam firm staying power. It might need to be blended with something like spearmint to give it that edge and strength of fresh balsam fir and it seems like the middle note needs to be propped up too. The balsam fir absolute smells nothing like fresh balsam fir so I'd avoid that if you're looking for a true balsam fir fresh needle scent.

Review by sam 2/19/2024

Not what I expected


I was expecting the smell of Christmas but instead I got a very mild sweet smelling eo and boy was I surprised!

Review by sam 2/10/2024

The other reviews aren't lying: outstanding


This balsam fir essential oil is exquisite: clean, minty-piney, coniferous, fresh, clarifying, and surprisingly tenacious for being mostly composed of volatile terpenes. I highly recommend this product.

Review by Daniel 11/24/2022

Best Ever Balsam Fir EO


I'll let the title of my review do the talking. Hands down, THE BEST I've found on the market. My definition of best means it has outstanding tenacity/lasting power/no off-putting lingering trace odors/no odd synthetic like fragrance aromas/reliable performance when used for therapeutic purposes. Awesome oil. I recommend this to ANYONE and EVERYONE. It is a must have if you are building up your EO arsenal. ENJOY!

Review by Dr O 3/18/2019

wonderfully nostalgic


It's a good idea to try the samples, as they can have quite a different effect. This fir is amazing, and maybe it's because it reminds me of brief trips in Canada? I'm not sure, but it is lovely and Christmassy, and much better (IMHO) than the Siberian fir, which is wild, overpowering and difficult to tame. I will be ordering a larger amount of this!

Review by jqln 7/12/2018

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