Prickly Pear Seed Oil - Organic

Opuntia ficus-indica L.


Although fairly recent to the industry, Prickly Pear Seed oil has earned a great deal of recognition for the benefits of its outstanding active constituents when used in body/skin care and cosmetic applications. Our organic Prickly Pear Seed oil is a rich-textured, nourishing oil that quickly and easily moisturizes the


Selected size SKU:1102-015 - Prickly Pear Seed Oil - Organic 15 ml (1/2 oz)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Although fairly recent to the industry, Prickly Pear Seed Oil has earned a great deal of recognition for the benefits of its outstanding active constituents when used in body/skin care and cosmetic applications. Our organic Prickly Pear Seed Oil is a rich-textured, nourishing oil that quickly and easily moisturizes the skin; it is a fine source of vitamins A, E and K, antioxidants, fatty acids, phytosterols, and polyphenols, including linoleic acid (Omega 6), palmitic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid.[1] Prickly Pear Seed oil is beneficial in formulations for dry skin, hair and nails, facial serums for mature skin, and in nourishing body and massage oils. It is filtered and unrefined.

The Prickly Pear plant - also known as Barbary fig, cactus pear, and a host of other common names - is a species of cacti that is probably indigenous to Mexico; it has been naturalized and widely cultivated in the southern United States, the Mediterranean region, and other arid to semi-arid parts of the world. In the Northern Hemisphere, flowers appear from spring to early summer, followed by fruits that ripen from summer through late fall, the seeds of which are the source of this amazing oil. Because very small amounts of oil are contained in the seeds (about 5%[2]), one metric ton of fruit is required to produce one liter of Prickly Pear Seed Oil, thus the explanation for its relatively high cost.[3]

Want to know more about how to use Prickly Pear Seed Oil as a base for your essential oil blends? Read Dilution Solutions to learn about essential oil to carrier oil ratios and how to mix essential oils with carrier oils.

1 Industry communication.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.


8 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Another good one


Generally if I can not use a lot of items as other people have to make our own. But the category and reviews gave it a try. Yes it is an excellent one healing and protects skin hair nails. Jojoba is very similar it is a different type. Heals seals conditions but depending on the person you usually need to alternate between them for a better result. This on the list was an alternate. One if one doesn’t seem to be helping as well as it was I tried as a pro biochemist most may not work if exact product used. But must give this an A+

Review by J 9/30/2024

From little seeds come huge miracles


Last year I burned my hand really badly by grabbing a cast iron skillet that had been in a 425° oven. I cannot tell you why I totally neglected all sense of personal safety, but I ended up in the ER w/ 2nd degree burns. The ER staff guaranteed me I would have huge blisters that I would need to have de-roofed in a few days and I should expect permanent discoloration. I was sent home with pain killers, gauze and an ointment akin to Neosporin to change my dressing twice a day until my follow-up a week later. Instead I used golden jojoba oil and prickly pear cactus seed eo. The results are miraculous! If I could post pics, I would. I have ZERO evidence of the burn and my doctor was actually miffed that it worked so well. I will keep this stocked forever in my first aid kit. I used to grab lavender eo for burns but this is the new go-to.

Review by Celia 11/29/2022

Spot Free


A lady friend (who happens to have the most spectacular skin ... works at the Sisley counter) whispered something to me about prickly pear seed oil. So I purchased 2 Oz from Eden B, and am about out. The result of it's use over this past year: the small burst-capillaries-stains that my dermatologist blasted with laser light to eliminate (would creep back) are gone. My skin is more firm, toned. I mix ~4-5 drops in a bit of aloe gel and put it on my face every night, and sometimes again after I shower in the morning. Please don't buy it all.

Review by David 1/12/2021

I am not understanding this oil


First the shocker sticker price: this is a carrier oil and it's $13 for merely 5ml? Whoa! What can you do with that? I didn't get a chance to properly test it, because my sample vial arrived half full or less (can't really see with the sticker covering the vial) but I would say this is definitely NOT for under eyes: it made matters worse for me! Otherwise I think it's a fine oil, leaves the skin very, very sleek, which I love. In that sense, it is very reminiscent, for me, of EPO, except the Evening Primerose does fix things under the eyes. (I quickly put that on top of the PPSO and it seems to have corrected the slightly drying effect.) I am not disliking this and would definitely love a bottle but for a carrier oil, this is prohibitive when I already have 2 full EPO bottles that are 8oz each and I paid less for 1 than the 5ml bottle here. Plus EPO does wonders for my under eye area. My advice would be get a free sample when your order is large enough that you get it for free and try it for yourself. (Skip your under eyes, ladies!) I can see the appeal, but I can't do my whole face with half a vial so mine might not be a proper review but it is a fair one for what I tried. Or skip the sample, save the $3 and use it to pay for 15mls and try that out. It might be a luxury that is well worth it for you. For me, I prefer to spend more on EOs and make my own perfumes and medicinals, so I'll be skipping this one, particularly after it made a fine line instantly look very deep under 1 eye. (Maybe thicker-skinned men will fare better? Or maybe if I'd needed to add more oil? I wouldn't risk it though) Oh it is absolutely unscented, a complete plus. This is probably best used on T-zone for people with oily skin.

Review by Black Pepper 9/26/2020

great oil


I love this oil. It has an amazingly silky texture that no other oil I have used comes close to this. It is light and not greasy at all.

Review by Angel 12/25/2019

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