Geranium, Rose EO

Pelargonium graveolens L'Hér. [synonyms are Pelargonium graveolens var. roseum, Pelargonium roseum and Pelargonium x asperum]


This is one of the finest Rose Geranium oils we have sourced – its aroma is sweet, green, leafy-rosy with a fruity/minty undertone and a sweet rosy drydown. While somewhat more expensive than other Geranium oils, it is still only a fraction of the cost of true Rose oils and is particularly appropriate if


Selected size SKU:375-016 - Geranium, Rose 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
with orifice reducer
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Out of stock
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Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

This is one of the finest Rose Geranium oils we have sourced – its aroma is sweet, green, leafy-rosy with a fruity/minty undertone and a sweet rosy drydown. While somewhat more expensive than other Geranium oils, it is still only a fraction of the cost of true Rose oils and is particularly appropriate if seeking an exceptionally clear, rosy note.

Native to South Africa, the Pelargonium genus includes around 270 unique species and is considered one of the most adaptable and modifiable in the botanical world. Producing a veritable symphony of aromatics, it boasts scents of rose, ginger, apple, coconut, strawberry, mint, nutmeg, citrus, pepper and more that are released from glandular leaf hairs, or trichomes. This enormous diversity of aromatic constituents, created for adaptation to many different habitats, is almost unequaled in the plant kingdom.[1] One could say that the Geraniums show great character and creativity while having the ability not only to get along with, but fully integrate within a multicultural botanical populace. When it comes to aromatic formulation, we know many aromatherapy enthusiasts and natural perfumers who would agree!

Geranium essential oil is prized for its beneficial and astringent effects in skincare[2], particularly for oily skin preparations, scalp blends, after-shaves, and foot and leg lotions. The calming aroma is said to be both centering and sensual[3] with inspiring qualities. It is favored in women’s blends (especially with Clary Sage and Lavender), and its versatile nature makes it ideal for body and massage oils of numerous types. We find it beautiful in a diffuser with Sweet Orange essential oil.

1 Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 3rd ed., 2018, pp. 318.

2 Tisserand, Robert. The Art of Aromatherapy, 1977, p. 233.

3 Mojay, Gabriel. Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, 1996, p. 133.

Blends Well With


14 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Fruits, floral Rose, green, frankinsence


Geranium rose is champagne like, this fragrance remember garden rose. A bottled floral green note strikes first to give way to the memory of a champagne, bubbly of pear and apple nectar, absolutely fruity, floral, warm and moist rose with depth of frankincense and musk. It's not shocking, but I like it because it's very diffusive and long-lasting. It shows that it will have exceptional performance.

Review by Juan Manuel 4/28/2021

Just Lovely


This blows the previous rose geranium I used out of the water (Not eden botanicals). This scent is so rosy, clean with that leafy geranium scent in the middle. I’m putting this in a simple face mist of distilled water, Edens rose geranium and a few drops rose Otto. I think it will make a great gift as well. Refreshing in the summer relaxing and restorative in the winter.

Review by John 3/11/2021



This is the kind of Rose Geranium I love. Has such a sweet and wonderful smell. I used to get my rose geranium from a vendor in WA state that have recently retired and this is as good as theirs. So happy with the quality.

Review by Madrone 3/6/2021

Staggering Beautiful Scent


I see people are all over the place with their reviews but I for one love this company, their service and their oils. And this Rose Geranium is no exception. This is a staggering beautiful scent all own it's own but a perfumers dream as the possibilities are endless.

Review by Steven 12/21/2020

Ticks hate this!


Ticks are not repelled easily and this is the only place I’ve found that uses the specific variety of rose geranium that they hate. I do not like the smell of geranium in general. At all. I’ve purchased different brands that actually smell like rose, but they do not repel ticks! I use it on dogs, and my family.

Review by Sandy 4/14/2020

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