Lime - Distilled

Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle


Our steam distilled Lime essential oil is fresh, mouth-watering, and zesty – it will keep much longer and will not oxidize as rapidly as cold pressed citrus oils. Excellent in natural perfumery and a truly fine citrus!


Selected size SKU:555-G - Lime - Distilled

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Product Overview

Our steam distilled Lime essential oil is fresh, mouth-watering, and zesty  it will keep much longer and will not oxidize as rapidly as cold pressed citrus oils. Excellent in natural perfumery and a truly fine citrus!

The origin of Lime, Citrus aurantifolia, is believed to be the East Indian Archipelago where it is found on almost all its islands. From there it is believed to have spread east to the west coast of South America, and west to East Africa, Iran, Egypt, Arabia, and southern Europe. It is very likely that Lime seeds from Europe were brought to the West Indies and Florida after the Americas were colonized, and from there Limes spread to Texas, Mexico, California, Central and South America.[1],[2]

Like many Citrus oils, the invigorating aroma of Lime oil is comforting and familiar yet thoroughly uplifting and refreshing.[3] It is elevating in a diffuser, while the addition of Lime oil in massage blends is said to evoke an ambiance of serenity. Lime oil is also used in skincare preparations for oily or congested skin, hands and feet, leg lotions, and chest rubs. As a bright top note in natural perfumery, it can help bring balance to overly-sweet perfumes.

1 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 371.

2 Guenther, Ernest. The Essential Oils, Vol. III, 1949, p. 287.

3 Sellar, Wanda. The Directory of Essential Oils, 1992, p. 95.

4 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 375.

5 Tisserand, Robert and Rodney Young. Essential Oil Safety, 2nd ed., 2014, p. 336.


4 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Sweet & Strong


This does smell like candy! Super sweet and strong. And it is almost effervescent! This will easily overpower a blend- go very light with it. I find Ylang Ylang to be very sweet and strong also... but when you pair it with this lime - they mellow each other out and create a Devine sweet nectar scent!

Review by Sharon 4/24/2020

lime CANDY!!


wow this is so different from the expressed version. this smells like lime candy wow! haha. i just got it, haven't used it yet.

Review by Christopher 11/21/2016

Sweet !


I get more sweet than sour but just love this ! It makes me happy

Review by Donna 8/25/2015

Like candy


I haven't diluted this yet. Straight out of the bottle, it smells very sharp and citrusy at first, almost like a carbonated citrus drink, and a candy-like sweetness to it. It smells a bit like Skittles. Love it!

Review by terebinth 1/8/2015

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