Jojoba Oil, Golden - Organic

Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C.K. Schneid.


USDA, NOP certified organic Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) Oil is technically a liquid wax ester extracted from the seeds of Jojoba, a shrub-type plant that grows in dry, arid regions of southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is considered a premium carrier oil due to its high stability and lightweight


Selected size SKU:1100-9 - Jojoba Oil, Golden - Organic 2 oz (glass)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1.9 L (1/2 gallon)
3.8 L (1 gallon)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

USDA, NOP certified organic Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) Oil is technically a liquid wax ester extracted from the seeds of Jojoba, a shrub-type plant that grows in dry, arid regions of southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is considered a premium carrier oil due to its high stability and lightweight texture; it is also ideal as a carrier for liquid, non-alcohol- based perfumes. Our Jojoba Oil is the unfiltered, non-refined golden variety.

Over 97% of Jojoba is composed of an array of liquid wax esters (very similar to the esters that make up 25- 30% of human sebum), with a combination of mixed tocopherols, free sterols and other unsaponifiable material making up the balance. Jojoba, like other wax esters in nature, resists hydrolysis and oxidation for more effective, non-occlusive moisture on the skin and hair. Jojoba is a favorite addition to blends that help cleanse and tonify the scalp and add shine to hair.

*Please visit our Containers section if you are interested in a Dispensing Pump for the 1/2 Gallon or Gallon size.

Want to know more about how to use Jojoba Oil as a base for your essential oil blends? Read Dilution Solutions to learn about essential oil to carrier oil ratios and how to mix essential oils with carrier oils.


6 Reviews


Customer Reviews

A favorite


I have been working with jojoba with out knowing since a child at a natural food/ goods store located I must have been about 8 years old then. It was in shampoo or conditioner. I have not found it for a long time anywhere. Since you may today. However I personally like this as a protective and healing item, even with the ones that you know work excellent you may need to use something else in between. It will work better for likely everyone. Prickly pear is a good alternative between has also other high reviews. I must say that alternate the two have similar but different properties and so thank you E.B. Once again

Review by J 9/30/2024

High quality and affordable


I like this better than other oils and even argan for a face oil. My skin absorbs it better and doesn't leave a lingering smell. You can tell it's raw by the scent and feel, smells almost medicinal but overal neutral and won't linger. Very dry skin will drink it up so you can use plenty. Easily absorbs and leaves a very lightweight waxy protective layer rather than a heavy feeling other oils silicones or petro jelly can leave

Review by Anthony 12/25/2023

Great jojoba


Product delivered on time and packed professionally. This is an excellent jojoba oil. Silky, easy absorption! Love! Thanks Eden Botanicals for the good service and good quality oils you provide.

Review by johari 7/20/2020

Its real


I bought one from Amazon its feel like really thick oil .and this one I bought 16 oz waooo I can feel quality and light can easily absorb .... I read in book how to judge quality and this one won .very good quality

Review by Madiha 1/20/2017



The best I've ever experienced, hydrates my skin and hair.

Review by Anita 5/17/2016

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