4 min read


How to Learn the Art of Aromatherapy

Written By: Robin Lander

Suggested Reading


Boozy Aromas – Notes of Whisky, Wine, and Fruity Fermentedness

There’s something about the rich, diffusive and bubbly aroma of booze that conjures for many the ambiance of calm, cozy firesides or warm wood libraries full of leathery tomes. Aromas of whisky, wine, fermenting fruit and fine liquor may bring to mind late summer harvests, carefree celebrations,


Extraordinary Cistus – The Plant at the Heart of Amber

The beautiful flowering shrub Cistus, or Rock Rose, is native to the Mediterranean where it thrives in the wild along hot, dry, sunny slopes. Resilient and responsive, the plant secretes from its leaves a remarkable, sticky, aromatic gum to help protect from the intense heat.


Keeping Your Aromatics Fresh - How to Properly Store Essential Oils

Light. Heat. Oxygen. It all sounds perfect for a day of outdoor adventure, right? But these are the last things you want for your oils and aromatic materials. All organic matter from living things is subject to chemical degradation.