Coriander Seed CO2

Coriandrum sativum L.


Our Coriander Seed CO2 Select Extract has a powerful, sweet, somewhat spicy, warm, diffusive aroma, with a lively woody/peppery top note, and a stunning balsamic undertone reminiscent of Rosewood


Selected size SKU:270-015 - Coriander Seed CO2 15 ml (1/2 oz)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
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Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our Coriander Seed CO2 Select Extract has a powerful, sweet, somewhat spicy, warm, diffusive aroma, with a lively woody/peppery top note, and a stunning balsamic undertone reminiscent of Rosewood, however it has a richer, deeper and more robust aroma than our Coriander Seed – Organic. Its very pure and wonderful aroma is true to freshly crushed Coriander seeds. Coriandrum sativum's familiar aromatic oil comes from an annual small herb native to southeastern Europe; it grows not only wild but is cultivated extensively all over the world.[1] A second aromatic oil extracted from the leaves of the same plant is known as Cilantro. Together, they are regarded in many parts of the world as two of the most unique and signature gourmand aromatics.

Coriander Seed oil contains between 60-87% of the ubiquitous and gentle monoterpene alcohol, (+)-linalool (aka coriandrol). With its characteristic mild, warm and woody aroma, it is no surprise that this versatile constituent appears in many essential oils. Very similar in aroma to Coriander Seed, Rosewood essential oil (up to 90% linalool) is not to our knowledge being produced sustainably – a tragic casualty of the logging and furniture industries. Coriander Seed provides a generous quantity of linalool in a more easily available and less environmentally damaging manner.

In perfumery, Coriander Seed is used for its excellent fixative qualities and blends well with other essential oils (especially to provide a masculine note), including Clary SageJasmineNeroliCypress, and Cinnamon. Whereas nothing can replace the great essential oil of Rosewood (from Aniba roseodora, listed by IUCN as a threatened species[2]) in formulas, our beautiful Coriander Seed CO2 has a stunning balsamic undertone very much like Rosewood in aroma but with an amazing tenacity that Rosewood lacks.

1 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, p. 191-3.


Blends Well With


4 Reviews


Customer Reviews

A stellar pair for citrus, woods and white florals!


Wow! This is far from Eden Botanicals' Cilantro Organic. This fresh spice will connect hesperidic notes to mossy/wood notes. It elevates citrus to another level! Especially orange and white grapefruit- oh my! This isn't the powdered coriander in my cooking cabinet, oh no! This is bold, like a snapped green branch in the wilderness. Stunning, piercing, vibrant.

Review by Miss Layla 3/7/2018



This scent bursts into an amazingly complex accord of sweet wood, nut, pepper and something ethereal when opened. It fills out the heart of blend beautifully, even bringing opposing scents into harmony. I use this in almost everything. Must have.

Review by Ariel 12/3/2016

Clean, Vibrant, Refreshing


I have always loved the refreshing, energizing qualities of fresh cilantro. I can eat this herb alone or within a Spring Salad mix. Having the Coriander CO2 as an aroma brings me so close to the scent of cilantro which is so often used in Asian and Mexican cooking. I was filled with a sense of light, feelings of clean, and refreshing after putting this product on a test strip. It's such an enervating experience. I hope others can enjoy this product. Thanks so much, Eden Botanicals.

Review by Stephen 9/4/2014



It has gorgeous aroma and blends well with almost everything, especially floral and woody EOs. Soon will be purchasing more :)

Review by Jasmina 6/23/2014

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