Peppermint, USA EO

Mentha x piperita L.


This very fine Peppermint essential oil from plants grown in the Willamette Valley of Oregon in the United States’ Pacific Northwest is unlike our other Peppermint oils. Produced by a second-generation, family operated distillery, its aroma is of the live plant – wonderfully fresh, green, coolingand minty


Selected size SKU:795-016 - Peppermint, USA 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
Out of stock
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Out of stock
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
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Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

This very fine Peppermint essential oil from plants grown in the Willamette Valley of Oregon in the United States’ Pacific Northwest is unlike our other Peppermint oils. Produced by a second-generation, family operated distillery, its aroma is of the live plant – wonderfully fresh, green, cooling and minty but with a distinctive grass-like undertone rather than the Peppermint-candy sweetness in the undertone of our organic Peppermint, France and Peppermint, India oils. The refreshing and diffusive aroma is sweet and delicious treat for the senses.

Peppermint essential oil is steam distilled from the partially dried herb, harvested in full early bloom, when menthol content is at its peak.[1] True Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is thought to be a hybrid from three other species of Mentha – M. spicata, M. aquatic, M. longifolia and/or M. suaveolens – all native to southern Europe. The plant is cultivated in North and South America, Europe, Russia, northern Africa, India, Australia and other countries. Brought to the U.S. in the early 1800s, Oregon and Washington states are the main producers of American Peppermint oil.[2] It is stated that Peppermint oil not distilled for industrial use has less chance of being improperly distilled, or adulterated (a common practice) with other mint oils, synthetic menthol, or other constituents; those oils produced from small distilleries are closer to the aroma of the fresh plants, and their higher selling price reflects the reality of genuine and authentic production practices.[3]

Since Peppermint’s aroma strength is quite pronounced due to its menthol content, the amount used in both aromatherapy applications and natural perfumery formulas should be carefully considered. Menthol is helpful in cooling muscle and joint massage blends. Menthone, a Peppermint ketone, is the power behind this oil’s incredible diffusiveness, but please note that some safety considerations (see above) must be kept in mind.

The uplifting aroma of Peppermint essential oil is refreshing in outdoor and body sprays, diffusers, holiday blends, and a lovely companion during long car rides. For a less intense yet equally refreshing mint, please see our organic Spearmint essential oil.

1 Guenther, Ernest. The Essential Oils, Vol. III, 1949, p. 595.

2 Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, 1960, pp. 513-4.

3 Ibid, p. 516.


6 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Love It


This is different from typical peppermint in a lovely way. It is somehow softer/ understated- yet strong at the same time. Smelling straight from the bottle you get a softer fresh green peppermint slightly sweet and more plant like then the usual kind. But I mixed it with the more traditional peppermint and a bit of corn mint just to try... and this is the one that came through. It surprised me! Just a bit in a blend gives a lovely live mint plant vibe that you cannot get with traditional peppermint. EB describes the scent well.

Review by SM 3/9/2020

Smells like Stash Peppermint Tea - best for migraines


I sampled each of EB's peppermint essential oils, and each of them has their particular merits. My preference would be India for diffusion for mood lift and scenting bath and body products, France for making things smell like Christmas, and USA for diffusion for migraines or mental clarity/grounding and for topical pain relief products. As EB points out, this peppermint is unlike many others, and I think that's what makes it so special. It is most like a living peppermint plant. The scent is exactly as described on the website. To me, it gives a stronger cooling sensation than the others. It reminds me of my favorite brand of peppermint tea, which is also made in Oregon. I've found it to be the most effective peppermint oil in treating my migraines - for dissolving the headache, relieving nausea, and clearing away the "fog". It is uplifting, but more grounding than stimulating, and helps improve focus, making it a good choice for someone with ADHD or anxiety. It also seems to have the best analgesic properties of the three when applied in topical preparations. It definitely won't be what you're used to, but it's unique characteristics make it valuable addition to your aromatherapy collection.

Review by Tammy 8/30/2018

Least Favorite


I have tried many oils from Eden Botanicals. This is the oil one I have not been happy with. Just had an off smell about it. Can’t wait tell I have the budget to purchase a different type.

Review by Alt419 10/30/2017

Different smell than expected


This peppermint was definitely not what I was use to. It's more "sugary" and not strong/potent/sharp like the taste of the Chichle gum, which took me off gaurd. At first I didn't even think it was mint. If normal mint turns you off, you'll want to give this a try. It's still very nice in my opinion, but next time I'm getting something different.

Review by Mary 10/14/2016



This most recent bottle of Peppermint was very bitter and sour smelling. It doesn't really have a peppermint smell to it, I really can't describe it the smell. Thought it was just me until spouse asked me to not diffuse this as it was very unpleasant and foul. Notes from the oils room: Our Peppermint, USA is unusual as peppermints go. It is actually a specific cultivar known as ‘Willamette’ Peppermint from the Willamette valley in Oregon. It has a more pronounced grassy-sweet undertone than any of our other peppermints from France and India. It is a different aroma which may not appeal to everyone.

Review by Brian 8/31/2016

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