Orange - Wild EO

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck


Wild Orange has a deep, rich, tangy, sweet-tart aroma unlike any other orange that we know of and may be used as you would Sweet Orange - it’s certain to have interesting uses in natural perfumery and in other instances where Orange oil is called for.


Selected size SKU:715-016 - Orange - Wild 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Wild Orange has a deep, rich, tangy, sweet-tart aroma unlike any other orange that we know of and may be used as you would Sweet Orange - it’s certain to have interesting uses in natural perfumery and in other instances where Orange oil is called for. In fact, Wild Orange is one of our best-selling citrus oils, most likely due to this oil’s irresistibly unique, tangy aroma!

Considering that most citrus peel essential oils contain very high percentages of limonene (up to 95%), one would expect them to have aromas that are more alike than they are. The fact that Orange, Lemon, Lime and Grapefruit essential oils smell differently due to constituents amounting to less than five percent of the overall oil is fairly comprehensible. The fact that Orange oils of the same species can differ aromatically based on percentages of less than one percent is pretty remarkable.

Wild-grown and organic citrus peel oils are preferred for use in aromatherapy preparations since the residues of farming chemicals accumulate in the outer peels and can be detected in the cold-pressed oils by GC-MS analysis. Wild botanicals in general, free of human intervention, have a vivacity and determination that is reflected in their essential oils – spirited, irresistible and alive. Wild Orange in the diffuser will bring a cheerful tone and an uplifting, 'wildly' familiar fragrance to the nursery, office, spa or studio.

Blends Well With


9 Reviews


Customer Reviews

THE Perfect Orange


I have 2 different orange oils, and I make it a point to smell every orange oil I can find because they never do smell like orange, not really. This absolutely smells like a beautiful orange, the perfect orange that you absolutely have to eat right then. It is bright and cheerful, it is clean, it is lingering at least for an orange oil. It is a happy scent. You have to love Eden Botanicals, nobody else can find this at least they don’t put it out. Bravo!

Review by Jolie 5/8/2019

Quite simply the best orange in the world.


Please keep this in stock, this is a real gem

Review by Lawrence 3/29/2018

the tangiest of oranges


This orange is so tangy it reminds me of under ripe citrus... you can almost taste something sour in your mouth when smelling it, it is that evocative. Although not my favorite of Eden's oranges, this is an interesting note that can be blended with other citruses to give them more depth.

Review by J 7/12/2017



Love Love this orange

Review by Anita 9/23/2016

wonderfully wild!


This oil has become a favorite in my household. We use it in a citrus blend as a room freshener and in laundry. It's super refreshing and invigorating, and like the description says, it's different from any other orange aroma. There does seem to be something wild about it!

Review by Sarah 5/10/2016

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